Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some interesting blogs to check out.




High Tech Classrooms: Norm?

This video showed a classroom which was technologically superior to any classroom I was ever a part of. I am learning as my journey towards becoming a teacher reaches its end, that technology has and is continuing to advance as time goes by. From using online videos to instruct to a cool website called http://www.tutpup.com/. I think Rachel is just showing what will become inevitable. That being, classrooms inundated with technology to aid in teaching. You can view the video at your own leisure at the following address. http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=553.
As I watch these videos I become more and more amazed at the level of technological expertise that teachers and students have achieved.

Nafiza Tech Wizad

Nafiza uses technology to help those around her learn. Technology is a major part of her life and she uses various methods to aid in her own learning. I think this video goes to show how far technology has come in our schools. Even more impressive, is that students are utilizing this technology to further enhance their own education. AS they grasp the technology they seek to advise others how to use the technology to their advantage.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cameron: An Inspiration

The video Cameron, showcases a young man who uses technology to help advance learning for himself and those around him. By utilizing technology, he makes the topics interesting and easy for others to understand. I think what Cameron is doing is becoming more prevalent in todays schools. That being the incresed use of technology to teach. WHile Cameron has certainly taken it to a higher level, I think most children are using technology even if only on a limited basis. I will highly encourage the use of technolgy as a learning tool. I feel this helps students learn easier. It is a much more fun approach to teaching that by spoon feeding them information and expexting them to just churn out data. The video can be viewed at the following link:


Monday, January 18, 2010

First Blog

I am an elementary ed major. I want to teach either 4th or 5th grade. I am currently a junior at UCO. I want to. hopefully, make a difference in the lives of children. I hope to be agood role model for those who desperately need one in their life.