Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cameron: An Inspiration

The video Cameron, showcases a young man who uses technology to help advance learning for himself and those around him. By utilizing technology, he makes the topics interesting and easy for others to understand. I think what Cameron is doing is becoming more prevalent in todays schools. That being the incresed use of technology to teach. WHile Cameron has certainly taken it to a higher level, I think most children are using technology even if only on a limited basis. I will highly encourage the use of technolgy as a learning tool. I feel this helps students learn easier. It is a much more fun approach to teaching that by spoon feeding them information and expexting them to just churn out data. The video can be viewed at the following link:



  1. great post. I really like how you were able to summarize what Cameron does in enough words that I think people will understand without having to read many paragraphs.

  2. I agree with you that Cameron is certainly an exceptional young man in many ways. He doesn't define the mean, he's an outlier... it is eye opening to see how much he is learning outside of class, due in part to the technology he is able to use I think.
